How to Use a Google Rank Tracker Free Tool to Monitor Your Keyword Rankings

Why You Need to Track Google Rankings

What Google Rank Checker Tools Do

Tracking your website’s Google rankings is part of any good SEO strategy. Google rank checker tools show you where your website ranks for specific keywords. By knowing your keyword rankings you can see what’s working and what’s not in your SEO efforts. These tools let you:

  • Monitor Performance: See how your website performs for target keywords.

  • Identify Trends: Track changes over time to see trends and patterns.

  • Understand Competitors: See how your competitors rank for the same keywords.

How Keyword Rankings Impact Your SEO

Keyword rankings are a direct measure of your website’s visibility on Google. Higher rankings mean more organic traffic as users are more likely to click on results on the first page. Here’s how tracking keyword rankings can inform your SEO strategy:

  • Content Creation: Knowing which keywords you rank for helps you to create and optimise content for those keywords.

  • Link Building: High ranking keywords can help inform your link building strategy and get backlinks to your best content.

  • Performance Metrics: Use ranking data to measure your SEO campaigns and make data driven decisions.

Why Monitor Both Desktop and Mobile Rankings

In today’s digital world you need to monitor both desktop and mobile rankings. Users access websites from multiple devices and Google’s mobile first indexing means mobile performance is more important than ever. Benefits of monitoring both desktop and mobile rankings:

  • Full Picture: Get the full picture of your website’s performance across all devices.

  • User Experience: Improve user experience by identifying and fixing mobile specific issues.

  • Stay Ahead: Make sure your website ranks well on any device and stay competitive in all search environments.

Use the data from Google rank checker tools to supercharge your SEO. Track your keyword rankings and adjust accordingly and you’ll get more visibility, more traffic and win at search.

Free Google Rank Checker Tools

Google Search Console: Full Rank Checker

Google Search Console is a free tool from Google that lets you track your website’s performance in search results. It gives you full visibility into your site’s rankings and keywords. Features include:

  • Performance Reports: See your keyword rankings, impressions and CTR.

  • Index Coverage: Make sure your site is indexed and find indexing issues.

  • Mobile Usability: Check your site’s mobile performance and fix mobile issues.

Get started by signing up for Google Search Console, verifying your site and digging into the data to optimize your SEO.

Ubersuggest: Simple Keyword Rank Checker

Ubersuggest, by Neil Patel, is a popular SEO tool with a full free version. It lets you track keyword rankings, analyze competitor data and find new keyword opportunities. Features include:

  • Keyword Tracking: See your website’s keyword rankings over time.

  • Competitor Analysis: See how your competitors rank for similar keywords and their top pages.

  • Content Ideas: Get new content ideas from popular keywords and trends.

Ubersuggest’s simple interface is easy for everyone to use and get SEO insights.

TraceRank: Track Your Google Rank and Competitor Site Ranks

TraceRank is our Google rank checker tool for indie makers and small businesses. It gives you detailed historical data and competitor analysis to understand your site’s performance. Features include:

  • Keyword Tracking: Track your website’s rankings for specific keywords and see changes over time.

  • Competitor Analysis: Compare your website to your competitor sites.

  • Historical Data: See historical ranking data to find trends and patterns.

Use TraceRank to understand your site ranks and make data driven decisions for your SEO.

SERPWatcher by Mangools: Real Time Rank Tracking

SERPWatcher, by Mangools, is real time rank tracking with a simple interface. Great for those who need accurate and up to date data on their keyword rankings. Features include:

  • Daily Updates: Get daily updates on your keyword rankings and overall SEO performance.

  • Keyword Metrics: See search volume, estimated visits and keyword difficulty.

  • Performance Index: An overall score to see your SEO performance.

SERPWatcher’s reports are simple and to the point to track your progress and make data driven decisions.

Free Keyword Rank Checker by Ahrefs: Free and Powerful

Ahrefs, a well known SEO tool, has a free keyword rank checker that is free and robust. It gives you accurate ranking data for any keyword. Features include:

  • Accurate Data: Trustworthy and exact ranking info from a trusted source.

  • Global Coverage: Check keyword rankings across countries and regions.

  • Competitor Analysis: Compare your keyword rankings to your competitors.

Ahrefs is known for their paid tools but their free keyword rank checker is a great resource to track your SEO.

These free Google rank checker tools have many features to help you track and improve your keyword rankings. Use them to get full SEO insights, find areas to improve and beat your competition.

How to Use a Free Google Rank Tracker to Monitor Your Site Ranks

Setting Up Your Free Google Rank Tracker

Using a free google rank tracker to monitor your site ranks is super easy and will give you tons of insights into your SEO performance. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Choose a Rank Tracker: Pick one of the free rank trackers we mentioned above, such as Google Search Console, Ubersuggest or TraceRank.

  2. Sign Up and Log In: Create an account on the tool you chose and log in to the dashboard.

  3. Add Your Site: Enter your website URL to start tracking your keyword rankings. For Google Search Console you’ll need to verify your website ownership by adding a meta tag to your site or uploading an HTML file.

  4. Add Keywords: Add the keywords you want to track. These should be your primary and secondary keywords.

  5. Configure: Adjust settings such as tracking frequency, notification preferences and competitor analysis.

Now you’re ready to start tracking your site ranks and get valuable data on your SEO performance.

How to Analyze Your Keyword Rankings and Ranking Results

Once you have your rank tracker set up, next step is to analyze your keyword rankings and ranking results. Here’s how to make the most of the data:

  1. Look at Your Dashboard: Your rank tracker tool will give you a dashboard with your current keyword rankings. Look for metrics such as position, search volume and changes over time.

  2. Identify Trends: Pay attention to trends in your rankings. Are there keywords that are consistently going up or down? Use this to inform your SEO strategy.

  3. Desktop and Mobile Rankings: Make sure you’re tracking both desktop and mobile rankings as they can be very different. Tools like TraceRank and Google Search Console give you data for both.

  4. Competitor Rankings: If your tool has competitor analysis, compare your rankings with your competitors. This will show you where you need to improve or where you can capitalize.

  5. Historical Data: Use historical data to see how your rankings have changed over time. This will help you understand the impact of past SEO efforts and make predictions for future performance.

How to Rank Higher on Google with Your SEO Strategy

Based on your analysis you’ll likely find areas to improve your SEO strategy. Here’s how to use your ranking data to make changes and rank higher on Google:

  1. Optimize Underperforming Keywords: Identify keywords that are not performing well and optimize your content for those keywords. This might mean updating existing content or creating new content.

  2. Focus on High Opportunity Keywords: Look for keywords where you’re close to the top and put extra effort into those. Even small improvements can bring significant traffic.

  3. Mobile Rankings: If your mobile rankings are lower than your desktop rankings make sure your website is mobile friendly. Optimize for mobile user experience, speed and usability.

  4. Content Quality: High quality, relevant content is key to improving your rankings. Make sure your content is comprehensive, engaging and valuable to your audience.

  5. High Quality Backlinks: Backlinks are a ranking factor. Focus on building high quality backlinks from authoritative sources to increase your site’s authority and rankings.

  6. Monitor and Adjust: SEO is an ongoing process. Monitor your rankings and adjust your strategy as needed. Use the data from your rank tracker to make informed decisions and stay ahead of your competitors.

Use a free Google rank tracker and get to know your site ranks. Make data driven decisions to improve your SEO. Monitor your SEO strategy based on ranking results and get more visibility and better keyword rankings.

Monitor Both Desktop and Mobile Rankings

Why Mobile Rankings Matter Today

With more people browsing the internet on their mobile devices, mobile rankings are a key part of any SEO strategy. Here’s why you should be monitoring mobile rankings:

  1. Mobile-First Indexing: Google is now mobile-first indexing, which means it’s using the mobile version of your site for indexing and ranking. If your site performs poorly on mobile, it will affect your overall rankings.

  2. User Behavior: A big chunk of web traffic comes from mobile devices. If your site isn’t mobile friendly, you’ll be losing a big chunk of potential visitors.

  3. Local Searches: Many mobile searches are location based, which is important for businesses that rely on local customers. Monitoring mobile rankings will ensure you show up in local search results.

Tools to Track Desktop and Mobile Rankings

To monitor both desktop and mobile rankings you need tools that can provide data for both. Here are some of the top tools that can:

  1. Google Search Console

    • Performance Reports: Shows data for both desktop and mobile rankings.

    • Mobile Usability: Highlights mobile usability issues.

  2. TraceRank

    • Comprehensive Tracking: Shows both desktop and mobile keyword rankings.

    • User Experience Analysis: Identifies areas to improve your mobile site.

  3. Ubersuggest

    • Device-Specific Data: Allows you to track keyword rankings separately for desktop and mobile.

    • Mobile-Friendly Recommendations: Provides mobile optimization tips.

By using these tools you can ensure your site performs well on all devices and capture a broader audience and improve your overall SEO.

How to Use Ranking Checker Data to Improve Your Site Ranks

Using data from your ranking checker to improve your site ranks involves the following steps:

  1. Device-Specific Analysis: Regularly review your rankings data to find discrepancies between desktop and mobile performance. Look for keywords where your site performs well on one device but not the other.

  2. Mobile Optimization: If your mobile rankings are lower, consider mobile friendly design changes. This includes responsive design, faster load times and better navigation.

  3. Content Adaptation: Ensure your content is accessible and engaging on both desktop and mobile. This may mean adjusting text size, images and layout to fit smaller screens.

  4. Mobile Usability Issues: Use tools like Google Search Console to find and fix mobile usability issues. This includes ensuring clickable elements aren’t too close together and improving mobile page speed.

  5. Local SEO: For businesses targeting local customers, focus on optimizing for local search queries which are often performed on mobile devices. Ensure your site is listed correctly on Google My Business and other local directories.

By monitoring and analyzing your desktop and mobile rankings you can make informed decisions to optimize for both types of users. This broad approach means you don’t miss out on traffic from either desktop or mobile users and ultimately rank higher on Google.

Knowing the importance of both desktop and mobile rankings and using the right tools to track and optimize for each will supercharge your SEO. You’ll improve user experience across all devices, capture more audience and boost your site performance in search results.

How to Rank Higher on Google with Free Rank Checker Tools

Best Practices for Using a Free Google Rank Tracker

Using a free Google rank tracker can boost your SEO. Here are some best practices to get the most out of these tools and rank higher on Google:

  1. Consistency: Check your keywords regularly to stay on top of your SEO. This will help you spot trends and adjust accordingly.

  2. Realistic Expectations: Use your ranking data to set achievable SEO goals. Focus on small wins not overnight success.

  3. High Impact Keywords: Prioritize keywords with high search volume and relevant to your business. These keywords will drive more traffic to your site.

  4. On-Page SEO: Make sure your website’s on-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, headers and content are optimized for your target keywords.

  5. Internal Links: Improve your site’s structure and user experience by adding internal links to relevant content. This will help search engines understand your pages.

Mistakes to Avoid When Monitoring Your Rankings

While monitoring your rankings is important, don’t make these common mistakes:

  1. Ignoring Mobile Rankings: Focusing only on desktop rankings can mean missing out. Make sure you monitor both desktop and mobile rankings.

  2. Overlooking Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords have lower search volume but higher conversion rates. Don’t neglect them for more competitive keywords.

  3. Inconsistent Tracking: Infrequent monitoring can mean you miss important changes in your rankings. Make it a habit to check your rankings regularly.

  4. Not Acting on Data: Just tracking your rankings is not enough. Use the data to make informed decisions and adjust your SEO.

  5. Ignoring User Experience: Search engines favour sites that offer a good user experience. Make sure your site is fast, mobile friendly and easy to navigate.

How to Use Your Ranking Results to Optimize Your SEO

Using your rank checker tool to optimize your SEO involves these steps. Here’s how to get the most out of your ranking results:

  1. High Performing Content: Look at pages that rank well and see what makes them successful. Use this to improve other pages on your site.

  2. Underperforming Pages: Look at pages that don’t rank well and optimize them. This could be updating content, improving keyword usage or on-page SEO elements.

  3. Monitor Competitors: Use rank checker tools to keep an eye on your competitors. Analyze their strategy and see where you can outperform them.

  4. Optimize for User Intent: Make sure your content matches the search intent of your target keywords. Providing valuable and relevant information will improve your rankings.

  5. Build High Quality Backlinks: Backlinks are a key part of SEO. Focus on getting high quality backlinks from reputable sites to boost your authority and rankings.

  6. Update Content Regularly: Fresh content is favoured by search engines. Update your existing content regularly to keep it relevant and useful.

How to Use Free Rank Checker Tools

Free rank checker tools give you a lot of data to work with. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Use Multiple Tools: Use a combination of free tools like Google Search Console, Ubersuggest and TraceRank to get a full picture.

  2. Historical Data: Analyze historical ranking data to see long term trends and the impact of your SEO over time.

  3. Segment Your Data: Break down your ranking data by device type, location and keyword groups to get more insight.

  4. Set Up Alerts: Many rank checker tools allow you to set up alerts for big changes in your rankings. Use these to stay informed and react fast.

Use these tips and you’ll get more from free Google rank checker tools, avoid the mistakes and optimise your SEO. You’ll rank higher on Google, get more traffic and grow your online.


Checking your Google rankings is key to any SEO strategy. Use free Google rank checker tools like Google Search Console, Ubersuggest and TraceRank to get valuable insights into your website’s performance and keyword rankings. Knowing where you stand and how you compare to your competitors means you can make informed decisions and optimise your SEO.

Track both desktop and mobile rankings so you cover all devices and more of your audience. Monitor and analyse your keyword rankings regularly to spot trends, optimise underperforming pages and stay one step ahead.

Don’t forget to avoid common mistakes like ignoring mobile rankings or not acting on the data you collect. Instead use the insights from these tools to adjust your SEO, improve user experience and build high quality backlinks. Consistent monitoring combined with strategic optimisation will get you more visibility, more traffic and better keyword rankings on Google.

For more tips and guides on improving your Google rankings check out our related articles:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Google rank tracker?

A Google rank tracker lets you see your website’s position in Google for specific keywords. It shows you your SEO performance so you can see where you need to improve and track your SEO efforts.

Why use free Google rank checkers?

Free Google rank checkers are cheap and have the basics you need to monitor your SEO. Perfect for indie makers and small businesses with limited budgets, they give you the essentials without the cost of a subscription.

How often should I check my Google rank?

Check your Google rank at least once a week. Monitoring regularly helps you stay up to date with your SEO performance, see trends and adjust your strategies on time.

Can I track my competitors’ rank with these tools?

Yes, many free Google rank checkers, including TraceRank, let you track your competitors’ rank. This helps you see what they’re doing, their strengths and weaknesses and improve your own SEO.

How do I include rank tracking in my SEO strategy?

Include rank tracking by monitoring regularly, analyzing the data and adjusting your SEO strategies accordingly. Use the insights to focus on improving your keyword performance, optimizing underperforming pages and stay competitive.

Why track both desktop and mobile rank?

Tracking both desktop and mobile rank gives you a full view of your website. It makes sure your site is optimized for all devices, you capture a wider audience and address any mobile specific issues that can affect your rank.

What are the common mistakes when monitoring your rank?

Common mistakes are ignoring mobile rank, overlooking long-tail keywords, inconsistent tracking, not acting on data and neglecting user experience. Avoid these by monitoring regularly, analyzing the data and making informed decisions.

How can I use the rank results to optimize my SEO?

Use the rank results to see high performing content, revise underperforming pages, monitor competitors, optimize for user intent, build high quality backlinks and update content regularly. This data driven approach helps you improve your SEO and get higher rank.

Are free rank checkers reliable?

Yes, free rank checkers like Google Search Console, Ubersuggest and TraceRank are reliable and give you accurate rank data. They may not have all the features of premium tools but are good for basic to intermediate SEO tracking and analysis.

How do I start using a free Google rank checker?

To start, choose a free rank checker like Google Search Console, Ubersuggest or TraceRank. Sign up and log in, add your website and keywords and start monitoring your rank. Use the data to analyze your performance and optimize your SEO.

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